Character Modeling and the Super Cel Shader

© 2001 by Jennifer Hachigian

Note: If you do not want to go through the entire tutorial, you may skip to any link you like and load the appropriate model from the CD-ROM.

If you do not have the CD-ROM for LightWave Applied, Version 6.5 & 7, you may download the zipped content directory from here.

Before You Begin...

  1. Hot Keys
  2. Spline Basics


  1. Introduction
  2. About Modeler
  3. About Modeling
  4. About Cel Shading
  1. Setting Up Modeler's Backdrops (16 steps)
  1. Torso (91 steps, two additional starting points: Hip and Patching)
  2. Weight Maps (16 steps)
  3. Breast (17 steps)
  4. Arm (14 steps)
  5. Leg (24 steps)
  6. More Weight Maps (10 steps)
  7. Foot (30 steps)
  8. Hand (51 steps, one additional starting point: Hand Attachment)
  9. Surface Naming (7 steps)
  10. Glove Trim (8 steps)
  11. Boot Top (10 steps)
  12. Mirroring (5 steps)
  13. Still More Weight Maps (16 steps)
  1. Tunic (32 steps, additional starting point: Patching)
  2. Weight Maps (6 steps)
  3. Detailing (21 steps)
  4. More Weight Maps (8 steps)
  5. Layer Clean-Up (3 steps)
  6. Belt (34 steps)
  7. Fitting (6 steps)
  1. Spline Cage Pt. 1 -- Layout (25 steps)
  2. Spline Cage Pt. 2 -- Divisions (Front) (37 steps)
  3. Spline Cage Pt. 3 -- Divisions (Rear) (11 steps)
  4. Spline Cage Pt. 4 -- Refinements (16 steps)
  5. Patching (8 steps)
  6. Detailing Pt. 1 -- Surfacing and Point Grouping (11 steps)
  7. Detailing Pt. 2 -- Eye Socket (11 steps)
  8. Detailing Pt. 3 -- Eyebrow (14 steps)
  9. Detailing Pt. 4 -- Ear (21 steps)
  10. Mirroring (4 steps)
  11. Ponytail (27 steps)
  12. Bangs (26 steps)
  13. Detailing Pt. 5 -- Mouth (8 steps)
  14. Weight Maps (5 steps)
  1. Stitching the Head and Body Together (8 steps)
  2. Layer Clean-Up Revisited (7 steps)
  3. The Eyes (11 steps)
  4. The Super Cel Shader -- Explanation
  5. The Super Cel Shader -- Experimentation (6 steps)
  6. The Super Cel Shader -- Application (35 steps)
