STEP 2: Select the eight points that cut through the boot top
in the model sheet. In the Back View, use the Stretch tool to make the
lines of the SubPatch surfaces conform to the black leg lines of the model
sheet. (Figure 1)
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
STEP 3: Deselect everything. In the Back View, use the Knife tool to slice through the leg, just under the row of points you just adjusted. Try to match the angles of the existing rows of points -- when working with SubPatch surfaces, it never hurts to "go with the flow." (Figure 2)
STEP 4: Select the thin ring of eight SubPatch surfaces that
now lies within the boot top of the model sheet. Type x and then v to Cut
and Paste this geometry, separating it from its fellow patches. Select
it again and use Display > Selection > Grouping > Change Part Name
to assign the Part Name of "Separate Mesh" to these polygons. This will
make them easy to select again in the future. (Figure
Figure 3 |
Figure 4 |
STEP 5: Select this ring of SubPatches again, and type Shift-f to activate the Smooth Shift tool. Left-click on the geometry and drag slightly to the right to puff the strip outwards, slightly. (Figure 4)
STEP 6: Type Ctrl-h to deselect these polygons without losing the effect of the Smooth Shift operation. In the Back View, hold down the right mouse button and Lasso the topmost polygons of this "boot top."
STEP 7: Activate the Smooth Shift tool, and right-click on these
SubPatches to give them a tiny Smooth Shift. Then use the Move tool to
raise these SubPatches up, forming the "top" of the boot top. (Figure
Figure 5 |
Figure 6 |
STEP 8: With the SubPatches still selected, use the Stretch tool in the Top View to widen the top of the boot top. (Figure 6)
Tip: If you hold down the Ctrl key and drag the Stretch tool at a perfect 45-degree angle, an equal amount of Stretch will be applied to both the vertical and horizontal, thus maintaining the proportions of your geometry.
STEP 9: Deselect everything. In the Back View, use the Lasso to select the ring of SubPatches that forms the bottom of the boot top. Smooth Shift it out slightly, then use the Move and Stretch tools to form the bottom of the boot top. (Figure 7)
STEP 10: Save this object as torso16.lwo.