The Head -- Mirroring

STEP 1: Load head09.lwo into Modeler (if you do not have this object, you may load it from the CD-ROM).

STEP 2: Mirror this geometry across the X axis with Merge Points turned on. Select the eyebrow and eye socket surfaces that got merged accidentally with the surrounding mesh; Cut and Paste this geometry to regain its shape.

Tip: use the Polygon Statistics panel to select all geometry with the part name, "Separate Mesh".

STEP 3: If you see any gaps in the center seam, select the offending pairs of points, Set their Value to 0m on the X axis, and try Merging them again. Failing that, Weld them together.

Figure 1
Figure 1

STEP 4: It should look like Figure 1. Save this object as head10.lwo.

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