The Tunic -- Weight Mapping

Note: Review the weight mapping portions of the torso tutorial for weight mapping tips.

STEP 1: Load torso20.lwo into Modeler. (If you have been working on the tunic as a separate object and want experience using existing weight maps between layers, you may load torso20.lwo off the CD-ROM).

STEP 2: Set the Perspective View's display type to Weight Shade.

STEP 3: Select the polygons that form the skirt. From the drop-down list next to the W, T, and M buttons in the lower right-hand corner of Modeler, select "Hips." Use Map > General > More > Set Vertex Map Value to set the points of the skirt to a weight map value of 100% for the Hips weight map. (Figure 1)
Figure 1
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 2

STEP 4: Deselect everything. Select the polygons of the belt. From the weight map drop-down list, select "Waist." Use Set Vertex Map Value to assign a weight map value of 100% under the name of the Waist weight map. (Figure 2)

STEP 5: Deselect everything. Select those polygons above the belt but below the middle of the arm. From the weight map drop-down list, select "Torso." Use Set Vertex Map Value to assign a weight map value of 100% to these points under the name of "Torso." (Figure 3)

Figure 3
Figure 3

STEP 6: Save this object as torso21.lwo.

Note: This tunic will load into Layout as a separate object, and it will use the bones in the character's body through the "Use Bones From Object" feature.

The bones of another object will respect the tunic's weight maps if the weight maps have the exact same name as those assigned to the bones.

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