STEP 1: Load torso23.lwo into Modeler. (If you did not do the previous tutorial sections and just want to practice cleaning unneccessary layers out of an object file, you may load torso23.lwo from the CD-ROM).
STEP 2: If the first ten layers of your object are full, go into each of the layers that contain unneeded geometry and type x to Cut that geometry out of that layer (thus emptying that layer).
Note: If you're using the the CD-ROM version of this object, layers 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 contain geometry that you do not need anymore. Keep the two layers that contain the geometry for the body and the tunic (of course); decide for yourself whether or not you want to keep the intact spline cages for the torso and tunic, as well as the geometry for the hand. If you want to remodel any part of this character in the future, it doesn't hurt to have the primary "building blocks" included with the character.You can use the Layers panel to tell LightWave which layers of the object will be loaded into Layout by left-clicking on the rightmost column (the column under the little "eye" symbol) for that layer. If the rightmost column is checked, that layer will be loaded into Layout when you load the object into Layout. By default, all layers have that rightmost column checked.
Don't delete a layer just to keep it from loading into Layout. Delete only those layers that you don't need anymore -- or layers of geometry that can be quickly rebuilt from other layers. For example, Layers 2-5 from the CD-ROM version of torso23.lwo contain partial copies of the spline cage from Layer 1. Because they can be quickly recreated from Layer 1, you can afford to delete Layers 2-5 from the CD-ROM version of torso23.lwo.
STEP 3: Save this object as torso24.lwo.